What kind of honey is used in Firebee Honey?Updated a year ago
What kind of honey is used in Firebee Honey?
The raw honey used in Firebee Honey comes straight from the hive to your home with minimal filtering to retain all of the healthy properties found in honey. Our honey is sourced from bees in northern Kansas and comes from a variety of floral sources including clover, alfalfa, sunflower, soybean, and wildflower. Most commercially processed honey is heated to 180 degrees and pressure filtered to 10-15 microns. This processing removes the healthy pollen, enzymes, minerals, and vitamins that naturally occurs in raw honey. Firebee Spicy Honey is gently warmed to less than 120 degrees to minimize heat damage and is gravity strained to 400 microns to preserve the many health benefits of natural, raw honey. Pollen grains range from 20 to 150 microns depending on the flower the honeybee visited. Firebee Spicy Honey is gravity strained to 400 microns to remove large pieces of wax, therefore retaining all the pollen in raw honey.