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Product Questions

I have foam at the top of my jar - what is it?

What you're looking at is 'honey foam,' which is a result of the tiny air bubbles in the honey escaping to the top. This is due to air bubbles trapped in the honey during processing and packaging - a natural and harmless accumulation that appears...

There are black specks in my Spicy Honey - what are they?

No worries! We use dehydrated chili peppers to infuse our raw honey to create the amazing flavor of Firebee Spicy Honey. To keep all of the natural benefits of raw honey (click here to learn more) we only filter the honey down to 400 microns....

What are the black specks in my Vanilla Honey?

The black specks you will find in your Firebee Vanilla Honey is actually tiny pieces of the vanilla beans that are used to infuse the honey with that delicious vanilla flavor. We take batches of dried vanilla beans and split them by hand to scrape...

What kind of honey is used in Firebee Honey?

The raw honey used in Firebee Honey comes straight from the hive to your home with minimal filtering to retain all of the healthy properties found in honey. Our honey is sourced from bees in northern Kansas and comes from a variety of floral...

What to do if you think Firebee Honey is too spicy

We've got a quick and simple way to "water down" the spicy honey if you think it's got a little too much heat: just pour some Firebee Honey in a small bowl and add an equal amount of regular honey to the bowl and mix. This will greatly reduce the...

Why did my honey harden? How do I re-liquify it?

A phenomenon unique to raw, unprocessed honey that some new customers are often unaware of is that it will crystallize over time - and that’s a good thing! Crystallization is actually nature’s way of preserving the taste and quality of the honey...